Sakura Antlers is a new version of the crown Antlers.
this version comes with the asset being UV wrapped and textured.
the package comes with the following items:
-AntlerTexture -PetalTexture
-Highpoly FBX
-Lowpoly FBX
-LazyLowpoly FBX (lower poly than the high one but not as low as the lowest one)
-Prefabs of all 3 versions with poyomi toonshader.
future texture packs:
-In the future gonna add Pale sakura texture version for free with grey-ish white antlers and pale pink cherry blossoms.
Might make themed sakura petals particles falling off the antlers prefab for free.
-You are allowed to edit this asset. -You are allowed use it in your personal avatar projects and on personal vtubing models. -!commercial use negotiable!
You will get FBX files, Texture files and Unity prefabs